Now this talk about about which college is the right one has been going on for a while, I even remember when I was little some of the adults that I remember would talk about how nobody should go to an HBCU. On the other side, others would defend HBCUs and how they are the only college for African Americans. So who was right?
In my opinion, both of the sides are wrong because you cannot praise one and bash the other, it just makes the other side seem bias. People have to recognize that you can still defend HBCUs while valuing PWIs because they have there place in America (i know all these UVA and University of Okhalhoma scandals make it seem like they don't). Now for me, I never thought I would say that last sentence because I thought that most PWIs were hurting the black community, but that is not true. The fact that African Americans are going to college is a feat in itself and the last thing other African Americans need to do is shame someone because they chose a PWI over a HBCU. Especially when money comes into play; God knows how expensive it is to even apply for college, let along stay for four years.
To sum it all up: If you get accepted to a PWI with a scholarship and a good program for your major Vs. no scholarship to an HBCU, you should choose the PWI and vice verse with HBCUs. Don't look at HBCUS as places that are easy to get into or not as rigorous as PWIs. I think what I am trying to say here is do not go in debt for college, even if it is your dream school.
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