Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Free tuition for HBCUS

The president of Howard University Dr. Wayne Frederick propose that HBCUS should be added into the plan for free tuition at community colleges for two years. He wants others to have the same high quality education for free, so that they can have the same opportunities. Personally,  I don't think that HBCUS should be added to the plan. HBCUS are their own school while community college is where you go to get your basic credits to move on to another college, like an HBCU.  If these schools want more students to come, then they should give out more full rides, or be more giving with financial aid.  Adding HBCUS to the community college plan will not help these schools.  
Stay learning!

The demise of an already slippery slope

HBCUS are neglected more and more ever since the Brown vs Board of Education case ended separation of schools.  Most kids first choice is an Ivy league,or a well known state school. HBCUS are put on the back burner. Another reason why kids don't go to HBCUS anymore is because some of those schools have problems that can be too much to handle.  Even though I would still go to a HBCU I know that there are still some big problems that need to be fixed, but these schools should not be neglected because of some strange ideology that HBCUS have worse education than other schools, because that is not true.  These schools not only give a great education,  but they spotlight black people making a name for themselves everyday.
Stay learning!


Sometimes students need support from people who have had experience with your career, just to give some encouragement to make it through the college journey. Mentorship not give great relationships that can last for years, but they also develop important connections that can help students in the long run. For African Americans, mentorship is vital in college. In world that is set up against black people, it can benefit other African Americans by seeing their own kind making their own kinds of success in America. Also, some kids need a little boost during college. Something that will help them brave through the struggles. Nurturing is one of the best concepts, but it is often neglected
Stay learning !