1. Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937)- The Seine c.1902, oil on canvas
Tanner was born in Pittisburgh, Pa where he went on an studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Tanner had some success in the United States but his art thrived in European countries like France. The painting shows a boat traveling through a pinkish sky through Paris
2. Jacob Lawrence (1917-2000)- Street to Mbari, 1964
Lawrence was born around the time of the Harlem Renaissance, where many black artists gained their fame. Many of Lawrence's paintings are based on the colors of Harlem and can be seen through his dynamic cubism style of painting. This painting shows a busy day in Nigeria, which is based on a visit Lawrence took to Nigeria.
3. Alma Thomas (1891-1978)- Red Rose Cantata, 1973, acrylic on canvas